Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Brrr it's getting cold...

So in the spirit of getting warm on cold autumn and winter nights - I thought I would put together a relevant post that will hopefully help heat things up. Sexy lingerie isn't the only thing that can warm up a cold night. There are quite a few other things my favorite store sells that can help heat things up... My boyfriend and I use these things regularly to warm each other up and keep the fire in our relationship.

One of our favorite past times is role play. You can get sexy schoolgirl, nurse, cop, or maid costumes that are sure to sizzle. My favorite is the school girl costume I bought earlier this year. Just use your imagination to figure out how fun that could be.

Another thing we try to incorporate in our fun is massage. Massage is erotic and sensuous and sure to get things going. I've read books on the art of Kamasutra and there is a lot most of us just don't know. You can use just a simple candle to ignite your senses and then use the warm wax for massage.

Our favorite product has been the Tenderness and Passion Collection. It has both strawberry and champagne fragrances and comes with a variety of items. This is the perfect transition into a night of steamy intimacy.

I hope some of these ideas will help you and your special love heat up your cold winter nights. Let me know how it works out!

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